Earlier this month, the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic hosted an international conference on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the application of competition rules in the Slovak Republic. Happy 20 years to the AMO!
Archive for the ‘ICN member news’ category
Merger notification – Spain
The Spanish CNC recently published Guidelines on short-form notification of mergers, describing which type of concentrations are eligible for short-form notification to the CNC.
Antitrust Procedures – European Union
The European Commission has adopted a package of measures aimed at increasing interaction with parties in antitrust proceedings and strengthening the mechanisms for safeguarding parties’ procedural rights. FAQs on the practices are also available.
Fining Guidelines – Belgium
The Belgian Competition Council has launched a public consultation on its proposal for new fining guidelines for the calculation of fines for restrictive practices. The deadline for comments is set on 16 November 2011. The new Communication of the Competition Council on the calculation of fines should enter into force in the beginning of […]
Coordinating Merger Reviews – U.S. & EU
The U.S. antitrust agencies and the European Commission issued an updated set of “best practices” (and accompanying FAQs) that they use to coordinate their merger reviews. The agencies also celebrated the 20th anniversary of the United States-European Union bilateral antitrust agreement.
Bid Rigging – Japan
The JFTC has published a report concerning measures taken by procurement agencies to prevent procurement officials from being involved in bid rigging.
Merger Guidelines – Canada
Following extensive consultations conducted across Canada in 2010 and 2011, as well as consultations with foreign competition agencies, and a focused internal review, the Canadian Competition Bureau has announced the publication of the final Merger Enforcement Guidelines (MEGs)/Fusions — Lignes directrices pour l’application de la loi
Update: NMa + NCA + OPTA = ACM
The Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) will be the new name for the merged authority created by the combination of the Netherlands Consumer Authority, the Independent Post and Telecommunications Authority of the Netherlands (OPTA), and the Netherlands Competition Authority (NMa).
Update: Brazil
Dear friends, On behalf of CADE, we are pleased to announce that the new Brazilian Competition Statute was approved yesterday evening by the Congress. The Statute waits now for presidential sanction to become enacted. It will represent a new era of competition policy in Brazil, in particular with the unification of competition agencies and […]
Updates: Norway
The Bergen Centre for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE), jointly owned by Norwegian School of Economics and the University of Bergen, opened on September 9. The Norwegian Competition Authority helped to promote the idea of such a center and has been involved in its planning.