The Canadian Competition Bureau recently released a summary of its Merger Remedies Study on the effectiveness of remedies obtained between 1995 and 2005.
Archive for the ‘ICN member news’ category
Competition R&D – Sweden
What do private companies feel about municipal authorities being involved in activities that restrict competition? This is one of the areas for which research funds are being provided by Swedish Competition Authority. This year the Swedish Competition Authority will award just over five and a half million Swedish kronor to nine new research projects, […]
The Gambia: Update
The Gambia Competition Commission joined the ICN in May 2011. ICNBlog welcomes the GCC to the ICN and invites you to view links to its website media centre, its 2011-13 strategic plan, and information about recent GCC workshops addressing bid rigging and sector regulators (workshop documents available at the bottom of the page).
Zambia Update
Did you know that the Zambia Competition Commission changed its name to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission as a result of Zambia’s Competition and Consumer Protection Act of 2010? Also, earlier this year they joined Facebook – visit their page here.
Updates – Korea
The Korea Fair Trade Commission recently released its 2011 Annual Report – a special edition report subtitled “30 Years of KFTC, Looking Back and Moving Forward” that not only covers the KFTC’s activities in 2010, but celebrates the KFTC’s 30th anniversary with a detailed section on the past, present, and future of the KFTC.
Monopoly Monday: Depicting Dominance
This brochure from the Japan Fair Trade Commission provides a basic overview of prohibited conduct under Japan’s Antimonopoly Act for the public. See the creative depictions of monopolization, refusal to deal, tying, and exclusive dealing among many other potential violations (including cartels and mergers). See a similar document in Japanese. Elsewhere, JFTC’s website portrays […]
Updates: Romania
Earlier this month, new competition law amendments entered into force in Romania. Read more about them here.
Merger Monday
We interrupt today’s regularly scheduled Monopoly Monday blog posting to bring you recent merger developments. Last week, the Bundeskartellamt published its “Draft Guidance on Substantive Merger Control” for public consultation. The guidance document is a substantial overhaul of the previous document which was published in 2000 under the title “Principles of Interpretation of […]
Compliance – Turkey
The Turkish Competition Authority has prepared a “Competition Law Compliance Program” with the aim of guiding undertakings and associations of undertakings while they are preparing their own compliance programs and includes answers to possible questions about compliance programs. Click for the “Competition Law Compliance Program”.
Monopoly Monday – Singapore
The Competition Commission of Singapore has produced a comic book (“manga”) portraying abuse of dominance. Read how the CCS officers “set things right” in the “City of Champions” where a dominant martial arts school no longer plays by the rules. . . The CCS has also published guidelines on its abuse of dominance […]