The Canadian Competition Bureau recently launched a whistleblowing initiative, encouraging the public and business community to report suspected incidences of price-fixing, bid-rigging, and other anti-competitive activity.
Archive for the ‘ICN member news’ category
Leniency: UK
The OFT has published revised leniency guidance aimed at providing a clear and practical framework for leniency applications, including a policy of not requiring legal professional privilege waivers as a condition of leniency. The new guidance is accompanied by two ‘Quick Guides’, one aimed at businesses and one aimed at individuals.
Merger review: EU
The European Commission has invited public comment on options for possible future improvements of the EU Merger Regulation in two areas: minority shareholdings and the transfer of cases between the Commission and national competition authorities. The consultation documents are available here.
Update: India
CCI recently held its Annual Day Lecture for 2013. See the materials here, including an address by CCI Chairperson Chawla.
Update: Germany
The Bundeskartellamt recently announced its biennial activity report for 2011 and 2012.
Antirust Animation: Singapore
The CCS conducted a 2013 Animation Contest attracting 19 entries on illegal price-fixing, abuse of dominance this year, and even one entry that attempted to illustrate anti-competitive mergers. See the winners here.
New Commissioner of Canadian Competition Commission Announced
Interim Commissioner of the Canadian Competition Commission, John Pecman, was appointed Commissioner of Competition on June 12, 2013 for a five-year term. Mr. Pecman is an economist who has worked at the Competition Bureau as an investigator, manager and executive for more than 29 years. He is also a member of the ICN Steering Group.
Driving Prosperity through Effective Competition
Last week ACCC Chairman Rod Sims presented on delivering prosperity through broad based microeconomic and competition reform at the 2013 Foro Mexico, organized by the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, the OECD, and UNCTAD. Chairman Sims offers a concise and comprehensive account of the amazing success of Australia’s National Competition Policy reform program. […]
Economics Workshop: US FTC
Last week, the US FTC hosted its annual Microeconomics Conference bringing together researchers from universities, other government agencies, and other organizations to discuss antitrust, consumer protection, and policy issues that the economists in the FTC’s Bureau of Economics encounter in their work. Papers and presentations from the 2012 conference are available, as well as archived […]
Poland: UOKIK hosts the II International Competition Law Forum
On 27 September 2012, the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) hosted, in cooperation with the Warsaw School of Economics, the II International Competition Law Forum. This international event was organized by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection for the second time. Representatives of the antimonopoly authorities and international organizations, lawyers, entrepreneurs and […]