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SAVE THE DATE — January 25, 2011.

The Merger Working Group’s Teleseminar on Merger Guidelines Developments in the UK and the US: The View from the Chief Economists will be held on January 25, 2011 from 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. Ottawa and Washington, D.C./1:00 to 2:30 p.m. London.

In recent months, competition agencies from both the UK and the US have issued new or revised guidelines used to explain how the agencies evaluate the competitive impact of mergers. The guidelines express the agencies’ most current thinking on substantive questions of merger review and enforcement, which has triggered substantial interest on both sides of the Atlantic and around the world.

Hear from the chief economists from the Competition Commission and Office of Fair Trading in the UK on their new Merger Assessment Guidelines, and from the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission in the US on their revised Horizontal Merger Guidelines, in the ICN Merger Working Group teleseminar on January 25, 2011.

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