From time to time, the ICN blog gets questions, and hopefully, provides some answers – but the questions are nowhere near the level of requests that competition agencies get for explanation of their policies and procedures. Today’s links are devoted to a specific kind of online tool agencies use to address basic, routine questions: “FAQs” (frequently asked questions).
Indeed, the ICN has addressed frequently asked questions in its Factsheet and Key Messages.
If your agency is looking for ways to increase transparency on any number of topics relevant to day-to-day activities, consider the format of some of these sample FAQs addressing:
Competition Law or Amendments; information about an Authority; and what the authority does; or how to make or file a complaint; basic enforcement and questions; leniency; and even an authority’s website.
Thanks for making answers so accessible! If you have any questions, ideas or answers for the ICN blog, we would like to hear from you at