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On TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 2010 at 8:00-9:30 Washington DC time, 14:00-15:30 Brussels time, the ICN Merger Working Group will host a teleseminar and webinar, TOOLS FOR CHANGE. Participants will present brief case studies on the role the ICN and its resources have played in helping member agencies and their governments enact changes to their merger rules, policies, and procedures to make them more consistent with ICN recommendations.

Panelists include:

      Brazil: Olavo CHINAGLIA, Commissioner of Economic Defense Administration Council (CADE)

      Germany: Andreas MUNDT, President of the Bundeskartellamt

       Korea: Jongbae PARK, Senior Deputy Director, M&A Division, Korean Fair Trade Commission

       Mexico: Eduardo PEREZ MOTTA, Chairman of the Federal Commission on Competition

       Portugal: António GOMES, Director of Mergers, Portuguese Competition Authority

       Sweden: Dan SJŐBLOM, Director General of the Swedish Competition Authority

       Australian NGA: Dave PODDAR, Partner, Mallesons Stephen Jaques

       US NGA: Ronald STERN, Vice President and Senior Competition Counsel, General Electric

       World Bank: Martha LICETTI, Competition Specialist, World Bank

The program will conclude with a short presentation by Toshiko Igarashi, Deputy Director of International at the Japan Fair Trade Commission, about the ICN’s Advocacy and Implementation Network Support Program.

From the US / Canada: 1 (866) 215-3882
International Dial-in: +1 (816) 650-7898

Conference ID: 66939337

To add the webinar feature as well (not required for participation), click here and enter your name and email address. The meeting password is M33ting.

For more information, click here.

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