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Update: Poland

October 15th, 2015

As of September, the Polish UOKiK will begin publishing information on court rulings applying to its decisions as part of its transparency agenda.


October 13th, 2015

The Canadian Competition Bureau publishes an online “month in review.”

Update: Spain

September 7th, 2015

The Spanish Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC) has released a report on the wholesale market for road fuels in Spain. The report proposes the adoption of regulatory measures to improve effective competition in the sector and enhance consumer welfare in Spain. The report analyses the main factors limiting effective competition in the automotive road fuel market in Spain. In particular, the report focuses on the wholesale market, which has not been object of a recent in-depth analysis from a competition perspective, and where the lack of dynamism could limit both competition between retail operators downstream and the effect of any regulatory measure introduced at the retail level.

The analysis has revealed the persistence of numerous barriers to entry and expansion in the wholesale market, which limits the effective competition on the market and results in high prices for consumers. These barriers mainly derived from the high concentration of the market and the vertical integration of the three operators with refining capacity in Spain. The analysis also suggests that imports do not generate a significant competitive constraint on the market. To remedy this situation, the CNMC makes a series of recommendations whose objective is to offset the significant market power held by the operators with refining capacity in Spain and to achieve a greater degree of effective competition in the market.

Please, find the link to the English version of the report here.

Update: Italy

September 5th, 2015

Italy’s AGCM Annual Report to Parliament: “increased competition to emerge from the crisis and resume growth.”

Update: FTC

September 1st, 2015

US FTC’s blog post on appointing monitors in merger remedies.

Competition and growth

August 19th, 2015

Recent EC Competition policy brief on “ Improving competition in the Member States to boost growth.

Update: Japan

August 18th, 2015

Remarks on “Aligning Antitrust Enforcement with Broader Policy Goals” by Commissioner ODAGIRI of the JFTC.

Update: ICN Working Groups

August 12th, 2015

Check out the 2015-2018 work plans for the ICN Working Groups:

Advocacy: 2015-18 Work Plan

Agency Effectiveness: 2015-18 Work Plan

Cartel: 2015-18 Work Plan

Merger: 2015-18 Work Plan

Unilateral Conduct: 2015-18 Work Plan

Update: UK

August 6th, 2015

The UK government has prepared a non-binding ministerial statement of strategic priorities for the Competition and Markets Authority outlining the government’s aims for the CMA. The so-called “steer” provides a statement of how the government sees competition fitting with its wider objectives for the economy. The steer is currently up for consultation.

Update: Mexico

August 3rd, 2015

COFECE’s new Monopolistic Practices Guidelines online.