The ICN 2012 Advocacy Workshop, hosted by the Autorité de la concurrence in Paris on October 26-27, was a huge success. The workshop gathered more than 120 participants from 50 different jurisdictions. For those unable to attend, the workshop addressed substantial policy issues – most notably regarding advocacy to government – with a […]
Posts tagged ‘France’
2012 ICN Advocacy Workshop
France’s Draft Guidelines – Fines
During his New Year message, Bruno Lasserre, President of the French Competition Authority (Autorité de la concurrence), unveiled the Authority’s draft notice on antitrust fines and announced a two-month public consultation on the document. The draft, which provides guidance on the method followed when setting fines in antitrust cases (cartels, bid-rigging and abuses of […]
Web Wednesday #13: Annual Reports Part II
As a follow on to the June 30th blog post, here are several more links to agency annual reports for 2009/10. France Italy UK Competition Commission UK OFT Poland Luxembourg Conseil de la concurrence Luxembourg l’Inspection de la concurrence Switzerland Slovak Republic Lithuania Turkey
Web Wednesday #11: News and Updates
Many agencies dedicate space on their homepage to the latest news and updates, here are a few samples: Colombia El Salvador Fiji Finland France Iceland Japan Korea Lithuania Pakistan Singapore Slovakia Taiwan Ukraine
Web Wednesday #5: Market Studies
The Advocacy Working Group has an ongoing work stream on market studies. Last year, the AWG produced a comparative report on the practice of market studies in 37 member jurisdictions, available here. For this year’s annual conference, the AWG produced a “Market Studies Good Practice Handbook” and developed a “Market Studies Information Store.” The […]
On a Mission
The Agency Effectiveness Working Group (AEWG) has prepared a handbook chapter on agency strategic planning and prioritization, addressing the objectives of strategic plans, the prerequisites of and constraints related to effective strategic planning, internal processes and external consultations, communication on strategic planning, and the use of prioritization criteria and the process of prioritization. The chapter […]
The Future of the ECN (European Competition Network)
Ireland recently hosted a panel discussion analyzing the present and future role of the ECN in terms of competition regulation. Particular focus was paid to the current level of interaction between the national competition authorities (NCAs) and the Commission, as well as the policy debates such as Private Damages and Article 82 Guidance, and […]
Web Wednesday #3: ICN Shout-Outs
Today’s Web Wednesday returns the favor and recognizes member agencies that highlight their involvement in the ICN. To varying degrees, member agencies describe their international work, their participation in the ICN and the work of the ICN more generally, post contributions or their ICN templates, or just provide a link to find the ICN. The […]
Web Wednesday #1: leniency contacts
This entry is first in a series of ten “Web Wednesdays”: each Wednesday we will highlight one aspect of competition agencies’ websites, showcasing how members address a particular issue, and highlighting relevant ICN work product on the topic. Today’s posting highlights leniency application contact points. The ICN’s Anti-Cartel Enforcement Manual Chapter on Drafting and […]
New Initiatives and Guidelines
A number of ICN members recently issued guidelines, drafts for comments, or other initiatives. We invite you to share information about activities in your jurisdiction, by sending an e-mail to Japan: On October 28, 2009, the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) published its Guidelines for Exclusionary Private Monopolization under the Antimonopoly Act. The guidelines set […]