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Posts tagged ‘Jersey’

  The Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority, the competition authority and utility regulator for Jersey in the Channel Islands, is currently recruiting for two roles: a Competition and Markets Manager, ideally with a strong background in competition economics, and a Regulation & Markets Manager, particularly focused on the telecommunications sector. As a small authority, the roles […]

Strategic Planning in Jersey

December 16th, 2010

  The Jersey Competition Regulatory Authority (‘JCRA’) recently published a draft Strategic Plan. The plan, which is subject to consultation, aims to give consumers, businesses, and other interested parties a direct say in what the JCRA should be aiming to achieve over the next three years.

  Many agencies issue annual reports, updates and other information about their activities. As a number of 2009/10 annual reports have recently been finalised, today’s sample links offer the opportunity to catch up on some of last year’s highlights and see how various agencies present their activities. Romania Ireland Netherlands Finland Bulgaria Czech Republic USA […]

Looking Backward and Forward

January 19th, 2010

  The New Year is an appropriate time for individuals to reflect upon recent accomplishments and set objectives (or resolutions) for the future. This is no different for competition agencies. Indeed, ICN’s Agency Effectiveness Working Group is conducting work on topics such as strategic planning and priority setting for competition agencies. We have collected a […]